Wigan Town Centre: Mr Yu

‘’We have set up our education franchise business when we came to the UK in 2015 under the Tier 1 Entrepreneur visas with the professional immigration services provided by John Hu Migration Consulting (JHM).  With the help of JHM’s on shore service, we are able to manage our business smoothly and they have been helping us all the way along. Our children all attend schools and we enjoy our quality family life in Wigan town just outside Manchester. We are very keen to continue using the JHM professional services again for the extension of our visa next year and subsequent permanent residence and citizenship application.’’ 

 Mr and Mrs Yu 

Omba Restaurant: Mr Choi


‘’ We came to the UK in 2013 and have set up our restaurant business and settled down in Hertfordshire after engaging John Hu Migration Consulting (JHM) to process our Tier 1 entrepreneur visa.  We are in our fourth year of operation now having successfully been granted extension to our initial Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa with the help of the onshore service from JHM.  I must say that the onshore service provided has been very valuable and they always provide a solution when we encounter problems during our stay in the UK.  We are confident that we will to use JHM professional service to apply for our permanent residence in the UK in one year’s time ‘’    Mr Choi 


London: Mr Chan


‘’Our family have been in the UK for just over one year after engaging the professional immigration consulting service of John Hu Migration Consulting (JHM) in Hong Kong to process our Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa.  During our residence in the UK, we have had tremendous assistance from the JHM Onshore service. We set up our office right in the centre of London near the West End which is a perfect location for our logistics business. With the JHM onshore service, we are able to engage our accountant within travelling distance as it is very important to get our business finance sorted out in the first year. We have also found our desired school for our children during this time. ‘’

Mr and Mrs Chan 


UK Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa – Success Case Sharing