australia migration

Extra AU$500,000 investment for migrating to Victoria

Victoria has taken the lead in adjusting the Business Innovation and Investment Program (subclass 188) and will implement it on July 22, 2019. The relevant adjustments are as follows:   Business Innovation Stream (188A): Score at least 80 on the SkillSelect Points Test; Employ at least one full-time employee; Demonstrate the business export 100% Victorian manufactured products…


近期多咗港人查詢移民到保加利亞, 所以John今次移民考察之旅亦到訪保加利亞首都索菲亞 (Sofia)。 John喺星期日晚上走到街頭, 氣氛熱鬧, 亦觀察到當地通訊設備發展唔錯, 而且餐廳類別選擇多、交通也很方便。雖然當地官方語言係保加利亞語, 但喺問路及購物上與當地人用英文溝通都毫無問題. 今次嚟到保加利亞, 主要係同當地移民律師會面, 了解如何申請citizenship, 從而攞到歐盟護照, 喺28個國家自由居住、工作、讀書, 密切留意有關訪談廣播! 🎧 即點擊連結收聽John嘅分享: 🔍 有關保加利亞投資移民, 即按 如你有任何移民查詢, 歡迎致電 ☎ 3568 1436