Latest Update on Canadian Start-Up Visa (SUV) Immigration for 2023 (Updated on July 11th)

  • On July 11, 2023, it was announced that there will be an expansion of the “Lifeboat Program” with the removal of educational requirements for Stream B. This change will come into effect on August 15th. Additionally, the spouse of a Canadian SUV client can work in Canada with a work permit and accumulate a minimum of 1,560 hours of work to be eligible to apply for Stream B. This means that at the same time, there is dual permanent residency protection with both “SUV” and “Stream B” programs!
  • On June 28, 2023, IRCC mentioned the plan to change the current 1-year “Closed Work Permit” to a 3-year “Open Work Permit”. However, there is no confirmed effective date for this transition.
  • On May 18, 2023, IRCC announced the requirement to provide proof of the source of funds, including Settlement Funds and Investment Funds. Additionally, they encourage applicants to obtain a “Work Permit” and engage in regular meetings and business arrangements in Canada.

Canada Start-Up Visa (SUV)

PR approved in 2.5 years, no business experience required, can apply while staying in Hong Kong, flexible departure!

John Hu Migration Consulting strongest SUV team, working together with registered Canadian immigration consultants.、Business Consultant、Project Management Team

One-stop service with you and your teammates. ✅Visa application processing ✅According to the background of team members make Business idea ✅Entrepreneurial support throughout the journey until PR.



Fast track Canada federal entrepreneur program targets immigrant entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to build businesses in Canada


  • Get your work permit for you and your whole family as fast as 3 months
  • Permanent Residence for you and your whole family to Canada around 2.5 years
  • Enjoy welfare in Canada


  • CAD $150,000 capital investment with the support from a Canada designated organization for your start up business
  • No assets required
  • Get scores of at least Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 5 in all four categories in either English or French which is equivalent to IELTS 5.0

Processing time

Around 24 months or above

Application Process

Solo or team with initial business idea

➥ Selection and approval by innovator through interview and provision of due diligence documents

➥ Sign off incubation service agreement and pay incubation program fee in full

➥ Issue of Letter of Support

➥ Incubation program (6 months)

Canada company incorporation, opening of company bank account, lodgment of PR and optional work permit applications with IELTS test score

➥ Business development and project management till PR decision, request for further documents, health & police checks before PR decision

➥ Start living and run business in Canada

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
If I don't have business experience, am I eligible to apply for the Canadian Start-Up Visa?

Both individuals with work experience and those with business experience can consider applying for the Canadian Start-Up Visa (SUV) immigration program. Friends with a STEM background should especially reach out to us and proactively strategize their applications.

Can I still apply for the Canadian Start-Up Visa if I don't have a specific innovative business plan?

We will first understand the educational background, work scope, and field of our clients in order to provide feasible advice. We will also assist interested applicants in writing their Canadian Start-Up Visa business plans.

The Canadian Start-Up Visa program requires applicants to complete a short-term course. Is it necessary to study in Canada for this course?

We collaborate with multiple incubator companies, and applicants can choose online courses as per their needs.

If the business in Canada, after obtaining a work visa, is unable to generate profits, will it affect the acquisition of permanent residency?

No, it will not. The revenue generated by the business is not a determining factor. The most important factors are the authenticity of the business and whether it aligns with industry standards in terms of its development stage.

After obtaining a work visa, am I allowed to seek other employment in Canada aside from the business?

No, you should focus on launching your business according to the plan. Your spouse will also obtain a work visa to work freely in Canada, and your children will have access to free education in the country.

australia migration Why should you choose John Hu Migration Consulting ?

  • With 8 years of successful handling of over 100 SUV applications, serving clients from Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Vietnam, India, and other countries, John Hu Migration Consulting stands out as an industry leader. We have also formed the John Hu SUV Clients Community Group, allowing our satisfied clients to connect, share experiences, and build relationships.
  • Led by Seasoned Canadian Immigration Lawyer and Consultant, John Hu (SUV mentor), our company’s internal SUV Professional Project Management team provides comprehensive guidance to clients until they obtain Permanent Resident (PR) status. John Hu has over 20 years of IT consulting experience, as well as teaching experience in marketing and entrepreneurship management at the university level. He personally provides customized SUV business strategy solutions for each client.
  • 100% success rate in obtaining the Letter of Support, with some clients already obtaining SUV PR and work permits to settle in Canada, achieving success in their SUV businesses.. Please log in to the provided link to view our successful SUV client case studies.
  • 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee – John Hu Migration Consulting has obtained the 【Service Quality Management Certification (SQM)】 from the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency, ensuring that every customer receives the most dedicated service.
  • John Hu Migration Consulting has established extensive partnerships with various types of local SUV strategic partners in Canada. We provide our clients with free access to local service providers, including IT, business, and tax consultants, banks, accountants, property agents, settlement services, and more..

john hu migration Successful permanent residence application cases

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    *Collected information will be kept confidential and used for your immigration assessment.